Young Ensemble Presents THE PORTRAIT OF MADAME X

March 2March 4, 2025
The Joan & Paul Theatre
163 E Pearson St at Michigan Ave 
Chicago, IL 60611
The Joan & Paul Theatre
163 E Pearson St at Michigan Ave 
Chicago, IL 60611
The Joan & Paul Theatre
163 E Pearson St at Michigan Ave 
Chicago, IL 60611

Written by Phil Smith based on an adaptation of Alexander Pushkin’s Queen of Spades by Tommy Rapley and Dennis Watkins

Codirected by Lookingglass Ensemble Members Louise Lamson and Phil Smith

Who is really holding the cards at Madame X’s high stakes Gaming Parlor? Find out as the one and only Lookingglass Young Ensemble unspools their feverish take of Alexander Pushkin’s unrivaled tale of gambling and the supernatural, “The Queen of Spades.”

Thank you to our Young Ensemble Sponsors

The Dunwalke Family Foundation

Nancy and Michael Timmers

Lee and Sandy Golub

Laura Jones and Richard Hunt