The Steppenwolf Studio
Adapted by Ensemble Member Heidi Stillman
Directed by Ensemble Members David Catlin and Heidi Stillman
From the book by Mikhail Bulgakov
In association with Steppenwolf Theatre Company
Satan and his retinue– including a seven foot tall skinny fellow with a broken pince-nez, an obnoxious, cigar-smoking black cat and a beautiful red-headed naked vampiress– visit 1920s Moscow. Wherever they go, chaos and insanity ensue. Bulgakov’s masterpiece celebrates the irrational, dark, intuitive and magical parts of life.
Featuring Ensemble Members Thomas J. Cox, Lawrence E. DiStasi, Christine Mary Dunford, Laura Eason, Joy Gregory, Doug Hara, David Kersnar, Joey Slotnick, David Schwimmer, Philip R. Smith, and Andrew White, with Mariann Mayberry.
Lookingglass Artists
Lookingglass is an ensemble based company, with a dedicated group of artists composing its roster of Ensemble Members, Artistic Associates, and Teaching Artists.