Chicago Filmmakers
Directed by Ensemble Member David Schwimmer
Adapted by Ensemble Member David Schwimmer and the cast
From the book by Upton Sinclair
Packingtown, turn of the 20th century, Chicago. Jurgis Rudkis came with his family from Lithuania to Chicago in search of the American dream. He found his worst nightmare.
A bold, visceral adaptation of the Upton Sinclair novel documenting the lives and losses of the immigrant class that found it’s way to Chicago.
Featuring Ensemble Members David Catlin, Thomas J. Cox, Lawrence E. DiStasi, Christine Mary Dunford, Laura Eason, Joy Gregory, David Kersnar, Philip R. Smith, Heidi Stillman, Andrew White, and Temple Williams, with Tom Hodges, Elizabeth Kairys.
Lookingglass Artists
Lookingglass is an ensemble based company, with a dedicated group of artists composing its roster of Ensemble Members, Artistic Associates, and Teaching Artists.