Directed by Ensemble Member David Kersnar
Music by Jai Uttal
Book by Ensemble Member David Kersnar
Lyrics by Ensemble Member David Kernar and Jai Uttal
Music Direction Josephine Lee
Choreography Krithika Rajagopalan
Lookingglass collaborates with composer Jai Uttal, Natya Dance Theatre, and the Chicago Children’s Choir in the world-premiere adaptation of the Hindi epic The Ramayana.
Featuring Anish Jethmalani, Avilla Martin, Sharon Muthu, Isaiah Robinson, and Pranidhi Varshney, with Natya Dance Theatre, and the Chicago Children’s Choir.
Lookingglass Artists
Lookingglass is an ensemble based company, with a dedicated group of artists composing its roster of Ensemble Members, Artistic Associates, and Teaching Artists.