Directed by Ensemble Member David Schwimmer
Adapted by Ensemble Members Joy Gregory and David Schwimmer
Based on the Book by Studs Terkel
In the tradition of his breakthrough show, The Jungle, Lookingglass Ensemble Member David Schwimmer returns to direct the much anticipated adaptation of Chicagoan Studs Terkel’s riveting collection of narratives, Race: How Blacks and Whites Think and Feel About the American Obsession. The cast’s own stories and experiences are woven into Terkel’s illuminating exploration of race and racism to reveal an honest and ultimately hopeful portrait of contemporary race relations in America. This landmark inaugural production in Lookingglass’ new theater in the Water Tower Water Works promises to be the event of the season. Join in the dialogue.
Featuring Ensemble Member Andrew White, with Deanna N. J. Brooks, Cheryl Lynn Bruce, Corryn Cummins, Tony Fitzpatrick, Anthony Fleming III, Ricardo Gutierrez, Cheryl Hamada, Reginald Nelson, Rusty Schwimmer, Joe Sikora, and Cedric Young.
Lookingglass Artists
Lookingglass is an ensemble based company, with a dedicated group of artists composing its roster of Ensemble Members, Artistic Associates, and Teaching Artists.