Edge of the Lookingglass
Written and Directed by Ensemble Member Andrew White
As the Freedom Summer of 1964 was beginning, Michael Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman disappeared outside of the small town of Philadelphia, Mississippi. National attention became riveted on the region and the search for the missing three. Forty-four days later, their bodies were found in an earthen dam. The murder of Michael Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman stirred the nation, and the three became recognized as martyrs in the struggle for justice, equality, and dignity for blacks in the South and throughout the nation.
Featuring Ensemble Members Eva Barr, Thomas J. Cox, Lawrence E. Distasi, Joy Gregory, David Kersnar, and David Schwimmer, with Don Blackwell, Adrian Byrd, Robert Helling, Roger Lindsay, C. George Milner, and Pat Soul Scaggs.