Ruth Page Center for the Arts
By Charles Dickens
Adapted and Directed by Ensemble Member Heidi Stillman
“Facts alone are wanted in life!” proclaims Thomas Gradgrind, schoolmaster in Dickens’ Victorian village of Coketown in the throes of the Industrial Revolution. Gradgrind’s students discover otherwise when an orphaned circus girl enters their world and shows them the value and power of imagination, leaving them and the town forever changed.
Featuring Ensemble Members Eva Barr, David Catlin, Laura Eason, Raymond Fox, and Philip R. Smith, with Tony Hernandez, Lauren Hirte, Louise Lamson, Joe Sikora, and Troy West.
Lookingglass Artists
Lookingglass is an ensemble based company, with a dedicated group of artists composing its roster of Ensemble Members, Artistic Associates, and Teaching Artists.