Written and Directed by Ensemble Member Laura Eason
Adapted from the Novel by Jules Verne
The majestically mysterious, fabulously wealthy, heartbreakingly lonely Victorian Phileas Fogg has determined, with mathematical precision, that the world can be circumnavigated in 80 days. On this belief, he has wagered his entire fortune. Will bandits, a herd of buffalo, an act of chivalry, an unreliable but ever faithful valet, and an unrelenting inspector from Scotland Yard keep him from his impossible task? Follow Fogg aboard steamships, locomotives, and pachyderms as he learns about love, himself, and a world that he never anticipated.
Featuring Ensemble Members Kevin Douglas and Philip R. Smith, with Joe Dempsey, Ericka Ratcliff, Rom Barkhourdar, Nick Sandys, and Ravi Batista.
Lookingglass Artists
Lookingglass is an ensemble based company, with a dedicated group of artists composing its roster of Ensemble Members, Artistic Associates, and Teaching Artists.

Production Sponsor
Sara Lee Foundation